Most Common French Bulldog Allergies and How to Treat Them

While it’s difficult to say which breed of dog has the most allergies or the least, one thing for certain is that, due to being a brachycephalic breed, French Bulldogs have more than most. That’s because their nasal and air passageways are more constricted due to their loveable but flattened faces, making it easier for nasty stuff like pollen, dander, dust mites and mold spores to negatively affect them.

If your French Bulldog is having trouble with allergies you may be concerned and wondering what to do about it, so we put together this article to help you. Common French Bulldog Allergies and How to Treat Them will talk about the most common allergies French Bulldogs can have and what the solution is so that your bulldog buddy doesn’t have to suffer, sneeze and wheeze so much. Enjoy.

Is the French Bulldog Breed Susceptible to Allergies?

Unfortunately, yes, they are. Some types of food, as well as environmental factors, can both cause French Bulldogs to have an allergic reaction. In fact, allergies are quite common among Frenchies, as they have one of the highest predispositions to genetically cause allergies and environmentally caused allergies among all dog breeds.

French Bulldogs are also one of the most susceptible breeds to bacterial folliculitis and Malassezia dermatitis, skin conditions that are caused by allergies that haven’t been treated correctly or in a timely manner. Allergies related to food intolerance are common in the breed too, making allergies one of the top concerns for French Bulldog owners across the country.

Food Allergies

Is your French Bulldog constantly biting, chewing or scratching their legs, paws, face and other parts of their little body? If yes, they likely have a skin condition brought on by an allergic reaction to one type of food or another. This is known as pruritis and can be extremely irritating for your Frenchie. It can also be hazardous to their ears because, if it’s not treated correctly, it can cause them to lose all or part of their hearing.

The best way to know if your French Bulldog is allergic to a type of food is to have them examined by a licensed veterinarian. You could also try to figure it out yourself by taking certain types of food away and seeing if the problem clears up, but this could take a lot of time and energy during which your precious pet could get worse.

Skin allergies in French Bulldogs are usually caused by an allergic reaction to a specific type of protein however, including the protein found in chicken, eggs, corn, and milk. If you’re feeding your Bulldog buddy any of these foods you should stop and see if they get better. (More on this below.)

Food Allergy Solutions to Try at Home

While taking your French Bulldog to the vet is a good idea if they are really suffering, there are plenty of things you can try at home if they’re not that may work, saving you some time and energy while helping your precious pet.,

Feed them a new brand of dog food

Since protein can be a significant cause of allergic reactions, you may wish to try a new kibble that only has 1 protein source. This new food should have very few other ingredients also, including ‘natural flavors’ which are often not as natural as they might seem.

Switch to a Fresh Food diet

Heat can be great when your Bullie is cold but it’s very bad for their food. Store-bought kibble is almost always heated, killing any of the good ingredients and leaving behind something that’s almost worthless. Yes, kibble is easier and has a longer shelf-life but, in the long run, fresh food is much better and will likely keep their allergies down significantly.

Skin Allergies

One of the most common types of allergies among all dog breeds is skin allergies and French Bulldogs are not spared from this problem. One of the worst side-effects os skin allergies is that your Frenchie will bite, scratch and claw at them, which can break the skin and subject them to both yeast and bacterial infection. Some of the more common skin allergies include;

  • It’s true, and if your French Bulldog is one of them they will show some nasty signs of it, including inflamed and scabbed skin around the base of their tail.
  • Food allergies- We discussed food allergies above, some of which can cause skin reactions. Ears and paws are the most commonly affected parts of your Frenchie’s body that are affected when they have skin allergies to food.
  • Environmental allergies- There are many things in the environment that can cause your Bulldog buddy to have an allergic reaction, including mold, dust and pollen.

Skin Allergy Solutions to Try at Home

As with food allergies the best way to help your French Bulldog avoid, or get better from, skin allergies is to figure out what is causing the allergic reaction and take it out of the scenario.

Try a 1-protein, fresh food diet

If their skin allergies are being caused by one specific protein this is the best way to determine which protein it is. This is called an ‘elimination diet’ because you eliminate other foods to see if, and what, happens. If it’s a good reaction you know you found the culprit!

Here’s one we recommend- Wellness Simple Limited Ingredient

Use a natural flea treatment

One that’s safe and effective and uses natural ingredients is best.

Here’s one we recommend- Wondercide Natural Products – Flea, Tick and Mosquito Control for Dogs

Treat your yard for fleas

This is where they live until they can attach themselves to your Frenchie, so kill them before they can do that.

Here’s one we recommend- Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Yard Spray

Bee Sting Allergies

Most dogs, like most humans, aren’t allergic to the sting of a bee. If your French Bulldog is allergic to bee stings however, it can lead to a very dangerous situation. That’s because they can go into something called anaphylactic shock, a severe reaction that can cause them to have severe difficulty breathing and other symptoms as well. Luckily this is very rare and will almost never be a problem. The best way to avoid bee stings is to always be mindful of your French Bulldog when they are outside.

Vaccine Allergies

Like bee stings, vaccine allergies are very uncommon but do occasionally occur. If your Bullie has just received any new vaccinations you should keep a watchful eye on them for at least 48 to 72 hours and, if you see that any drastic physical changes are happening, bring them back to your vet right away.

What Symptoms Will your French Bulldog Show if they Have Allergies?

Fighting allergies is all good and well but you have to know what to look for first before you can do that. Food, environmental, skin and other allergic reactions will have different signs and symptoms which you should look out for. Some of them, in alphabetical order, include;

  • Diarrhea. If it is severe see your vet asap as your Frenchie could dehydrate.
  • Ear Infections. These can become chronic and need to be treated with doggie medicine
  • Hives. Very common allergic skin reaction
  • Itchy Ears. This can be dangerous as your Bullie could lose their hearing.
  • Itchy and runny eyes. This is usually caused by seasonal allergies to pollen and dust
  • Inflamed skin. It will be very red and warm to the touch.
  • Licking constantly at a specific area. Skin allergies can cause this.
  • Sneezing often. Pollen and dust are usually the culprits here.
  • Swelling. This can be of their face, ears, earflaps, eyelids, and ears and can be very uncomfortable for them.
  • Vomiting – Again, ff severe, see your vet asap.

What Products are best to Help a French Bulldog with Allergies?

If your French Bulldog is suffering from allergies there are a couple of choices you must make. If their allergic reaction is mild to moderate, a store-bought solution might help. If it is severe, a trip to your veterinarian is our recommendation. Severe allergic reactions can kill your furry buddy and that would be a sad situation indeed, so we recommend you err on the side of caution.

That being said, if their allergies aren’t too concerning then a product that helps their skin, GI tract and so forth might work just fine. A few that we recommend are below.

PetHonesty SkinHealth Supplement – Fish Oil for Dogs

Zesty Paws Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

Vet’s Best Healthy Coat Shed & Itch Relief Dog Supplements

Curaseb Antifungal & Antibacterial Chlorhexidine Spray for Dogs


The unfortunate fact is that French Bulldogs seem to suffer more from allergies than many other breeds of dogs, especially due to their brachycephalic nature. (Oh those flat but loveable faces!) If the allergic reaction they are having is mild to moderate the tips and solutions above should work just fine. If severe, you will likely need the aid of a good, local veterinarian.

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